This is my first IOT Internet of Things attempt, based on a Arduino YUN.
Is located in my Shack and connected to a 10 Watts solar panel, with two 7Ah PBgel Batteries in parallel.
Update of 2017:
Now the system is based on a Raspberry PI B+ connected to internet that sends tu Things Speak and the Hamradio APRS Network
Data of my attic updated in real time!!
Blog of IN3AQK ham radio operator, qrp and sota enthusiast, software developer, pilot and much more!
domenica 15 gennaio 2017
lunedì 9 gennaio 2017
thd7gps arduino firmware for Kenwood THD7 to translate nmea 183.3 to nmea 183.2
Source code and project on github
This is a Arduino firmware able to convert NMEA 183.3 strings to NMEA 183.2. It's necessary to let the old Kenwood TH-D7 hamradio rtx with unmodified firmware to work with new Nmea GPS.
The TH-D7 uses two NMEA sentences out of the many sent by the GPS unit every second: the $GPGGA and the $GPRMC.
Early firmware version did not recognize the commas separating the various fields inside these sentences, using instead a fixed-length method that could lead to wrong data interpretation.
For Example:
NMEA 183.3 GPS sends:
$GPRMC,192944,V,3733.8310,N,01504.5017,E,20.0,270.8,081205,2.0,E,S23 $GPGGA,192958,3733.8070,N,01504.4222,E,8,09,2.0,335.4,M,38.3,M,,4A
NMEA 183.2 GPS sends:
$GPRMC,192944,V,3733.831,N,01504.501,E,20.0,270.8,081205,2.0,E,S23 $GPGGA,192958,3733.807,N,01504.422,E,8,09,2.0,335.4,M,38.3,M,,4A
Pay attention the checksum on these examble string are probably wrong.
The 4 decimal digits in the Lat and Long fields instead of the 3 expected by the TH-D7 are the source of the incompatibility. The arduino code strips the extra digit and resent it to the TH-D7 in NMEA 183.2 format
The hardware in base on
- Arduino nano
- GPS whit nmea output
- Max 232 level converter
Hardware and firmware is able to:
- receive the NMEA strings with a software serial port
- identify the $GPGGA and $GPRMC sentences
- remove the least significant decimal digits exceeding the 3 expected by the radio
- recalculate the checksum
- transmit the nmea string to the radio with a software serial port
(c) 2017 Paolo Mattiolo In3aqk
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