martedì 2 giugno 2015

Two new test instruments in my shack

Two new test instruments are now ready on my shack:

I've built them from a kit of components.

  • IZ1PMX VNA vector network analyzer  from 2 Mhz to 180Mhz
  • Multifunction tester, very cheap.


Is a Vector Network Analyzer, based on a projetc of Alfredo IZ1PMX
It's based on a Atmel Processor ATmega  and a AD9951 DDS.
The instrument has a frequency range from 2Mhz to 180Mhz but test has been done to 250 Mhz.
It's a really cheap kit, has a good price to performace ratio

The reference site is:

Here you could find also a QRP HF transceiver

IZ1PMX VNA 2-180 mhz

Multifunction Tester

I needed an Electrolytic ESR meter so searching on internet ad blogs I found this little an very very cheap instrument base on an Atmel atMega processor.

The funny is that this instrument reads completely automatically also:

  • Capacity
  • Inductance
  • Resistance
  • Electrolytic ESR
Detect and give information's about:

  • Diodes
  • Transistors
  • Fet 
  • Mosfet
  • Tirystors
It's a really useful instrument especially when a component has to be tested or it's of unknown type.
The gear is electrically simple, all the operations are done by the microcontroller and the software.
It can be found on some online cinese shops.

Multifunction tester

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