martedì 2 giugno 2015

IN3AQK-246 antenna 144 Mhz, 70Mhz, 50Mhz multifunction sota - Field Radio Dipole

On my mountain activations I normally need a lightweight hamradio equipment.
The problem is that I'm not an athlete and doing a climb of 800 to 1000 meters, in Dolomiti mountains, above 2000 meters is not simple if you are not fit.

I do both HF and VHF activations but I prefer to use the altitude to try VHF and above qso.

I need a simple and re-configurable antenna able to work on 2 meters, 4 meters and 6 meters with a minimum effort, an antenna that could be used in vertical, horizontal polarization, in linear or inverted V configuration.

As you know the dipole a nearly no gain but it's surely better than the standard whip of a yaesu 817

I decided to built a strange dipole based on two 1,4 meters telescopic whips.
The dipole could be used atop a fiberglass rod.

The name is IN3AQK-246  ... the numbers are the bands :-)

Some photos are better than 1000 words

IN3AQK-246 antenna

Antenna parameters at 50.100

Front view, the ferrite beads are used as a RF cocke

Really simple!!

SWR diagram in 2 meters band

144 Mhz configuration

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